
Portfolio Adviser: View From The Top with Polen Capital CEO Stan Moss

The importance of intentional action, themes in today’s market and Polen’s UK goals.

Article Highlights

Portfolio Adviser interviewed Polen CEO Stan Moss for its CEO profile series, “View From The Top.” He outlines his professional experience that led him to where he is today, what it takes to sustain growth, and his vision for continued business development in the UK. 

Read the full Portfolio Adviser article

  • Polen offers a suite of high-growth, low-turnover UCITS and UK-domiciled funds, including quality growth, credit portfolios, and emerging market equity funds. The recent Somerset Capital Management acquisition has allowed the firm opportunity for expansion in the market. 
  • Stan describes his leadership roles before becoming CEO in 2012, overseeing the firm's growth to date from $3bn to over $66bn in AUM.1  His diverse background across finance, accounting, operations, sales and marketing prepared him to leave the bank-owned asset management world and move to an independent boutique.
  • Identifying purpose and implementing intentional actions extends to Polen’s community involvement, exemplified by the partnership with Make-A-Wish. Stan discusses his engagement with the charity since 2003, co-branding an annual golf tournament that has raised over $3 million and granted over 600 wishes to children in South Florida. 
  • Over the next five years, Polen aims to increase the proportion of fixed income assets and attract more clients from outside the US, focusing on the EMEA and APAC regions.
  • Stan notes increased demand for fixed income and alternatives, driven by higher interest rates and new fund structures for high net-worth individuals, and is willing to expand into these areas based on investor demand.

Read the full Portfolio Adviser article

There are several other things, but I’d say the main thing around culture is that you have to have communication, documentation, intentional action and structure to make your words become a reality. And I think we do an excellent job of that.

Stan C. Moss, CFA
Chief Executive Officer

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Important Disclosures

1Asset figures include discretionary and nondiscretionary assets.

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